My paralysis was gone. Finally, I could do something. We went there, together with others friends. Since we cannot put kids and adults in one place, we divided them. I busied myself with 10- year olds. Hah. You thought that was easy? They are one rowdy, disruptive but happy and high-spirited kids. They are either breaking other’s ribs, pulling one’s hair, or poking another kid’s eyes. I guess our “The Boat is Sinking” game helped a lot in distracting them from killing each other.
Atty. Yu, a missionary, shared the God’s words. One can sense their need for hope and chance to live better lives. This is not the first time that such an activity was held there, and their unfailing humor and cheeriness suggest they were happy to see us.
So what have I really done? Nothing much. Except perhaps be happy that I can actually contribute, no matter how little, to a cause that that can actually change one person’s life.