Now, I've never mentioned this before, but I have a serious case of forgetfulness. There are days that I couldn’t easily call to mind usual or familiar things. Sometimes, I would mull over which vegetable, spices and ingredients is right for the recipe I have in mind. Occasionally, I discover left over food lying inside the fridge after days or weeks. And twice or thrice it happened that I got off the jeep without paying my fare. And last night, mother asked for analgesic and I replied I don’t have. The pain held her awake until 2am. Today, when I went about my routines preparing myself for work, I saw this tiny bottle of calming oil that I have for sometime now, which is very good for pains and inflammations, and I almost cursed myself for being forgetful. She could have had a night of peaceful sleep if it weren’t for my “memory loss”.
So there I was: easy to forget and difficult to keep watch and to stay awake. It is said that passion, tastes, excitements, hobbies, competitions, entertainments are things that entrance us and dominate our sub-conscious minds. It may be true because I think it’s my active imagination and my mountainful of mental notes that I make all day, everyday. I make decisions and juggle one task to another so as to save time. With the day-to-day activities that we do for our jobs, families, friends, co-workers, and so much more that we have to deal with, we sometimes find that we barely have time for ourselves to just relax and rest our mind. However, I just hope not to run out of memory for more important things that this life awaited me.