I found my niche in music and it is where I come closest to my inner being, closest to what I really want to do in this lifetime. Like a good meal or a good night sleep, singing raises my energy and inspires me to believe that I can be more than what I am now, above my fears and beyond my limitations. It is always accepting and forgiving- I can always go back in case I hit a wrong note or made a wrong turn or pause, never letting me down or leaving me empty. That is why I cannot get it out of my system. I sing on my way to the office, inside the bus or when I do the dishes or the laundry. As I lift my head up and open my mouth, my voice escalates with every tune that comes out of it. The soothing words bounce off of my tongue and release the tension I have within. Even if the sounds aren’t perfect or correct, every little bit helps me get through the day. When stressed, nothing helps me more than singing. When I do it, I sing with all of me, putting everything I can into it. And though I still get out of sync, in my own time, I can be in perfect harmony to the pleasure of my listening audience. Until then, I am always like an anxious child waiting in line for my turn to sing again.